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Skovbye sexologi

Signe Skovbye - psychomotor therapist and clinical sexologist

Counselling and therapeutic interventions
for all ages and genders
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Sexological psychomotor 

(solo & couple)



Cognitive therapy

Physical exercises

Sexological counselling

Sexual health
in the elderly sector



in age-appropriate sexual aids


Education for health personnel


Teaching and theme days

about sexuality





regarding intimate scenes 

on film 


Physical and psychological support for actors


Consulting with directors

Sexual education







Gender, body and culture


Ethical porn



Therapy Sessions
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Signe Skovbye - founder of Skovbye sexology

I am a passionate sexologist,

with many years of training.

I work in several different areas where my in-depth knowledge of sexology is utilised.

I work with people's physical, psychological and social well-being.


I have combined a professional bachelors degree in psychomotor therapy (KP) with further training in clinical sexology (DACS)


I engage in all of my projects with a therapeutic approach and work to understand and support people's sexual and general well-being.


I have a particular focus on LGBTQIA+ and other marginalized groups, who are offered tailored prices and conditions if needed.




Sexological psychomotor therapy


As a psychomotor therapist, I incorporate the body into our sessions. We don’t just work with cognitive therapy, where we talk together; we also do exercises and move the body in ways that can support your development. Because psychomotor therapy aims to integrate body and cognition, it offers an optimal approach to working with human sexual health.


Sexological psychomotor therapy supports your:






Body awareness







Since sexuality is often expressed through the body, triggered by the brain (shaped by our thoughts), and heavily influenced by our social and cultural backgrounds, as a clinical sexologist I find that psychomotor exercises combined with cognitive therapy help in a way where body and mind learn to cooperate toward a goal, which you set during our first session. This goal can continuously change as we dive deeper into who you are and explore your desires,

challenges and possibilities. 

​Sexual health in care homes


During my time as a sexologist at the LGBT+ care home Slottet, 

in Copenhagen, I developed an educational program for healthcare staff and residents in care homes, focusing on sexual health in old age.


Healthcare personnel
I offer training for healthcare personnel on how we can work professionally and advantageously with sexual issues among the elderly, as well as how we can best address challenges and recognize the unspoken needs that older adults may have.


Training for healthcare personnel includes:


  • Knowledge about sexuality in old age

  • Casework based on concrete examples from care homes 

  • Focus on boundaries in work involving sexuality

  • Practical tools to start meaningful conversations

  • Introduction to age-appropriate sexual aids

  • Information about current guidelines/expectations for care home staff

  • Exercises in handling the tasks mentioned above



Some elderly people lose their spouse early and therefore miss an intimate life and the sexuality associated with a relationship. With sexual aids, it is possible to have a sexual life on one's own. I have developed a toolkit with age-appropriate sexual aids, which is easy to use for the elderly and people with disabilities. Supporting older people in maintaining a solo sex life can alleviate potential pain, sadness, frustration, and bottled-up feelings. Symptoms that often manifest to the care staff through aggressive behaviors or 

withdrawal (isolation, depression).
For residents, I give presentations and facilitate discussions on sexuality.


Education for residents includes topics such as:


  • sex with a catheter

  • sex with disabilities

  • erection challenges and solutions

  • options for wheelchair users

  • age-appropriate assistive devices

  • needs (how can needs be expressed)

  • boundaries (your own and others')

  • contact/intimacy/pleasure




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Intimacy coordination

Intimacy coordination is an important and increasingly common function in film, TV, and theater productions. I have a broad range of experience, having coordinated projects at the Danish Film School, for porn productions,

puppet theater and in performance art.

Intimacy coordination ensures that scenes involving physical intimacy are handled with care, professionalism and respect for everyone involved.


Intimacy coordination includes:

  • Preparatory conversations with producers, directors and all actors/performers

  • Choreographing intimate scenes

  • Advising on safety attire

  • Maintaining a safe environment on set

  • Educating actors and crew

  • Providing support after scenes


I facilitate open discussions with the actors about their boundaries and comfort levels before, during and after the creation of scenes involving physical touch, nudity or simulated sex.

Additionally, it is important for me to maintain good communication with producers and directors to ensure that scenes are performed safely,

while also allowing the production's creative vision to shine through.


Ensuring consent and clarity around content and vision helps prevent conflict. Clear guidelines on how we can and cannot speak, touch or act during filming or producing allow everyone to do their best work without worry and enable an authentic portrayal of intimate relationships on screen or stage.


What matters most to me is giving actors/performers and directors the opportunity to deliver their best performances.

I can recommend Signe Skovbye,
she is extremely professional and a pleasure to work with.

Film director, Michael Panduro

Sex Education

Sex education has previously focused predominantly on the reproductive aspects of human sexual health. I don't find this particularly useful, especially not for young people, for whom the social and psychological aspects of sexuality

greatly influence their sexual and general well-being.

Therefore, I have developed material that includes not only biological factors but also psychological and social/cultural factors, showing how these interact and shape our sexual identity, with all its challenges, needs and desires.


Sex education covers topics such as:









The aim of the education is to provide young people with the language to express their own and others' boundaries, desires, needs, and insecurities. I wish to support young people's capacity to have a positive first sexual experience and a fulfilling sex-life, free from shame, feelings of inadequacy and doubt.

Mon - Fri: 10am - 17pm

​​Saturday: closed

​Sunday: closed

Signe Skovbye, Kapelvej 5, 2200 København N, Danmark 

CVR. 43253360

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For prices and booking contact via:




(+45) 31604215

I attempt to respond to all queries within 24-48 hours

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